Christmas Break will be from December 23rd to January 3rd! Have a great break, Wildcats!
about 2 months ago, Skye Schroeder
Christmas Break Graphic
If you would like to order some Maxwell gear, see the link below! Deadline to order is Sunday, October 27th!
4 months ago, Skye Schroeder
If you would like to purchase a 2025 Yearbook, please go to the following link or scan the QR code! This year's yearbook is a Signature Series Hardcover bound and available for delivery after 8/22/2025.
4 months ago, Skye Schroeder
QR code
Parents of Children with Special Needs, ages 3 to 21, please use this QR to take a quick survey to help us improve our Special Education Program. Thank you, Maxwell Special Education Department
5 months ago, Skye Schroeder
QR code
See the attached image for information regarding school photos!
5 months ago, Skye Schroeder
school photos
If you would like to order Fall Sports photos, click the following link!
5 months ago, Skye Schroeder
fall sports image
The Senior Banner Photos will be taken on Wednesday, September 4th at 8:30 a.m. and at 1:30 p.m. the Fall Sports photos will be taken! Order for pictures: Junior High Football Junior High Volleyball High School Volleyball High School Football Cross Country Cheer Squad
6 months ago, Skye Schroeder
Cheer Camp will be October 13th from 2-4 p.m. It will be $25 for the first child and then $12 for each sibling! Forms are due by September 6th. You can grab a form from Ms. Keith or the school office. More details are on the attached flyer!
6 months ago, Skye Schroeder
Cheer Camp Flyer
There is optional accidental injury insurance available for parents to purchase if they would like to. Please click on the attached image for more details!
6 months ago, Skye Schroeder
Accidental Injury Insurance Form
If you're in 7th-12th grade and want to join FFA, please reach out to Miss Schmidt! You are required to be in an agricultural class and dues are due on Wednesday, September 11th.
6 months ago, Skye Schroeder
FFA Officers
Reminder: The junior class will be hosting an indoor garage sale on Saturday, August 17 during Maxwell Heritage Days! The details are provided in the attached poster!
6 months ago, Skye Schroeder
Indoor Garage Sale Poster
11 months ago, Danny McMurtry
Athletic Physicals!
over 1 year ago, Skye Schroeder
Follow the link below to purchase your Maxwell High School Track and Field Photos!!
almost 2 years ago, Skye Schroeder
img Click the link above to get your 2022-2023 Year Book Today!
almost 2 years ago, Skye Schroeder
Graduation For The Class Of 2022-2023! Start Time: 2:00 pm @ Maxwell Public Schools Old Gym.
almost 2 years ago, Skye Schroeder
Show your support and click the link!
almost 2 years ago, Skye Schroeder
Wednesday May 10th High School Track meet @ Paxton Start Time: 10:30 am
almost 2 years ago, Skye Schroeder
Tuesday May 9th K-12 Music Concert Start Time: 6:00 pm @ MPS
almost 2 years ago, Skye Schroeder